Premiere: The Besnard Lakes Mixtape (Le Guess Who? Edition) | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Premiere: The Besnard Lakes Mixtape (Le Guess Who? Edition)

November 19-22 in Utrecht, Netherlands

Nov 13, 2015 Le Guess Who? 2015

Le Guess Who? is creeping up on us. As per tradition, we’re celebrating the Dutch festival by letting some of the artists performing take over our mixtape series. The newest entry comes from The Besnard Lakes, who flex their psych muscle with a blend of songs from the likes of Cocteau Twins, Devo, and Missing Persons.

Joining us in Holland? Exciting times. Wrap your eyes around last minute festival info you might need here. You can also revisit the previous mix in our series from Jacco Gardner.

Besnard Lakes Mixtape (Le Guess Who? Edition) by Under The Radar Mag on Mixcloud


1. Swervedriver: Duel - I listened to this album (Mezcal Head) probably more than any other album overall in my life. This to me is the penultimate song from it.

2. Devo: Freedom of Choice – “Freedom of choice is what you got, freedom from choice is what you want.” Amazing lyrics.

3. Guided By Voices: I Am a Tree - Mag Earwhig was an important album for me and this song exudes such enthusiasm and exuberance for life that it always puts a smile on my face and some hope in my heart.

4. Led Zeppelin: In the Light - Their sexiest song, says I.

5. Missing Persons: Destination Unknown - This song is such a perfect encapsulation of New Wave. She sounds like she’s hiccup singing, plus that guitar riff, plus that drum hi-hat and guitar accent thing. Fantastic!

6. Cocteau Twins: Iceblink Luck - Really this whole record is a desert island one. Elizabeth Fraser’s voice and nonsense lyrics are a match made in Heaven (or Las Vegas? I’ll show myself the door…).

7. Talk Talk: Desire - Another one of my desert island faves, this number can teach every aspiring song maker how to properly apply dynamics for maximum listening pleasure.

8. Unknown Mortal Orchestra: Monki - UMO are the most recent band to make me very excited about music again. Thanks guys!

9. The Feelies: The Undertow - This song’s crazy array of percussion and clean-sounding production gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.

10. Fever Ray: Keep the Streets Empty - A great record and a huge evolution in psychedelic music.

11. Slowdive: Souvlaki Space Station - Love it!






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