Premiere: The Dumplings Mixtape (European Music Fair Edition) | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Premiere: The Dumplings Mixtape (European Music Fair Edition)

European Music This Weekend in Warsaw, Poland

Nov 29, 2014 mixtapes Bookmark and Share

We’re in Warsaw this weekend, learning about the Polish music scene at the European Music Fair. In honor of the occasion, we asked The Dumplings (who will be performing at the fair tonight) to make us a mix of some of their current favorite songs. You can listen to their selections below. For more, check out a smattering of the electro pop duo’s work on their Soundcloud page.

The Dumplings Mixtape (European Music Fair Edition) by Under_Radar_Mag on Mixcloud



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People C'mon!
November 29th 2014

So pretentious, so “must_like-me—I’m-cool”! In general it looks like created by a youngster-orientated attention-seeker. “Hey! that would nail my set”. No, it’s not… Unfortunately nothing new nor to discover…