Premiere: Wampire Mixtape (Le Guess Who? Edition) | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Premiere: Wampire Mixtape (Le Guess Who? Edition)

November 28-December 1 in Utrecht, Netherlands

Nov 20, 2013 mixtapes Bookmark and Share

Next week, Under the Radar will head over to The Netherlands to check out Le Guess Who? Festival. In honor of our trek, we asked a few of our favorite musicians performing at the festival to introduce us to a few of their favorite musicians via our ongoing mixtape project. Wampire was game to participate, and even included one of their Curiosity demos for your listening pleasure.

Take a listen to their tape below. Le Guess Who? takes place November 28 though December 1 in Utrecht, Netherlands. Wampire will perform on Friday, November 29. Check out the full line-up here.

Wampire Mix for Under the Radar Magazine (Le Guess Who? Edition) by Under_Radar_Mag on Mixcloud


1. Part Time: In This Filthy City

2. White Fence: Who Feels Right

3. Diane Coffee: Green

4. Strip Steve ft. Puro Instinct: Astral Projection

5. Grauzone: Der Weg Zu Zeit

6. Paul McCartney: Frozen Jap

7. Velvet Underground: Venus In Furs

8. Wampire: Outta Money (demo)

9. The Clash: Straight To Hell

10. Kurt Vile: The Hunchback






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