Premiere: Wytch Hazel – “Prelude” Album Stream | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Premiere: Wytch Hazel – “Prelude” Album Stream

Listen to the Band’s Debut LP in Its Entirety

Apr 22, 2016 Wytch Hazel

Today, UK hard rock quartet Wytch Hazel, who look in press photos most awesomely like a band of Rennaissance Fair musicians crossed with Metallica fans, releases its debut full-length. Prelude is a blistering album of riff-tastic melodic rock. The band’s perfect blend of Thin Lizzy-esque guitar and soaring, even at times Iron Maiden-like, vocals isn’t so much an anachronism as an invocation, of rock and roll at its purest and more specifically of all that made the New Wave of British Heavy Metal in the late ‘70s so special. Each song is at its core a riff. Guitar solos, vocal harmonies, melodic bombast, they all worship at the altar of the riff, from the heavy to the sublime. Stream the album below, but not before turning your speakers to 11.


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