Premiere: Zakoor Shares New Single “The Beauty Part” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, February 15th, 2025  

Premiere: Zakoor Shares New Single “The Beauty Part”

New LP Life Cycle Coming May 6th

Mar 25, 2022

Austin-based indie rock duo Zakoor is the latest project from singer/songwriter John Zakoor and drummer Bryan O’Flynn. Despite only forming in the early months of the pandemic, Zakoor quickly wrote and released two back-to-back EPs in 2020, One, and Take Off Your Jacket. Those first EPs played as well-crafted tributes to ‘80s pop and ‘90s grunge, infused with a healthy dose of modern-day yearning existentialism.

Last month the pair announced their forthcoming full-length album, Life Cycle, mixed and produced by Paul Kolderie (Pixie’s Surfer Rosa, Radiohead’s The Bends, Hole’s Live Through This). Accompanying the announcement, they also shared the record’s title track. Today, the band are back again with another new single, “The Beauty Part,” premiering with Under the Radar.

The band’s latest single pulls their sound in a shimmering sunshine-laden direction, recalling the warm heights of ‘90s indie jangle pop. Coupled with Zakoor’s laconic delivery, bright bursts of guitar, and the ear-candy production from Kolderie, the track has the feel of a kaleidescopic summer escapist joy.

Yet, that warm-hearted instrumental stands in stark contrast with the lyrics dark and existential bent. Zakoor wrestles with feeling lost and unable to connect to others around him, all while time continues to pass on by一“Holes in my mind / Swimming through the darkest water / There’s no time and everyone is getting old.” As Zakoor himself describes, “The Beauty Part attempts to capture the dichotomous feeling of having a lot of love to give while unable to meaningfully connect with the world and everyone in it.”

Yet, it is that balance of beauty and darkness that makes “The Beauty Part” feel so special. The push and pull of light and dark makes for an irresistible melancholic indie pop delight. Check out the song below. Life Cycle is out everywhere on May 6th.

Zakoor · The Beauty Part


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