Shocking Pinks Announce Return With Triple LP, “Guilt Mirrors” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Shocking Pinks Announce Return With Triple LP, “Guilt Mirrors”

Listen to New Track "Not Gambling"

Nov 13, 2013 Shocking Pinks

After a seven year absence Shocking Pinks, the music project of New Zealand artist Nick Harte, has announced its return with a triple-album called Guilt Mirrors. The first release from Harte since the band’s 2007 self-titled album, the new LP features the newly shared single “Not Gambling.” According to a press release Harte started work on the album after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake ripped apart Harte’s home town of Christchurch, damaging his recording studio. Staying put Harte worked on the album “in nearly complete isolation ... painting his windows black and recording for multiple days in a row without sleep. The songs recorded during this time were some of his most desperate, conceived as an attempt of self-therapy.”

Guilt Mirrors is due out Feb. 18 via Stars & Letters. Scroll down below to listen and download “Not Gambling” and view the full tracklisting for the record.

Guilt Mirrors I


Not Gambling

Ten Years

My Best Friend
Love Projection (Dedicated to Jerry Fuchs)
“What’s Up With That Girl?” (Featuring Ashlin Frances Raymond/Arkitype)
Vendetta (Featuring Designer Violence)


Few Skeletons

Guilt Mirrors II

LV VS SX (Featuring Ashlin Frances Raymond)


(take me) Lower

St Louis (Featuring Gemma Syme)
Glass Slippers
Hardfuck (remix by Tristen R Deschain)

Get In There Bitch

Guilt Mirrors III

A Million Times

Slightly Killed (Featuring Arkitype)
Chorus Girls
Working Holiday
Looks Black Rain

B & B

Hospital Garden
Out of Town Girl



dance the dance electric

Black Rain Looks



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