Spoon Previews New Album “They Want My Soul” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Monday, February 17th, 2025  

Spoon Previews New Album “They Want My Soul”

Due Out August 5 on Loma Vista

Jun 05, 2014 Spoon

Okay, so we still don’t know what Spoon meant the other day when they dropped the cryptic album teaser “R.I.P.” But we now have details about their new album—so maybe some mysteries in life were meant to remain unsolved.

They Want my Soul is due out August 5 on Loma Vista. Other facts of note? As revealed by All Things Considered, the release contains the band’s cover version of “I Just Don’t Understand.” (an Ann-Margaret song previous covered by The Beatles.) Other song titles include “Knock Knock Knock” and “New York Kiss.” And (perhaps most excitingly), Jonathan Fisk, a character from Spoon’s 2002 album Kill the Moonlight makes a return. Listen to the full interview, which also includes song clips, here.



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