Tegan and Sara, Broken Social Scene, and Plants and Animals Longlisted For Polaris Prize | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Tegan and Sara, Broken Social Scene, and Plants and Animals Longlisted For Polaris Prize

Plus Caribou and The New Pornographers; Short List Announced July 6th

Jun 18, 2010 Tegan and Sara

Canada’s premier music award (think the Grammys here in America or England’s Mercury Prize), The Polaris Prize, has announced its’ long list. Among the 40 artists nominated are Under the Radar favorites Tegan and Sara, Owen Pallet, Broken Social Scene, Caribou, The Besnard Lakes, The New Pornographers, and Plants and Animals.

The short list is announced July 6th with the prize awarded September 20th.

Check out the full list of nominees below:

Apollo Ghosts - Mount Benson (Vancouver)

Bahamas - Pink Strat (Toronto)

The Besnard Lakes - The Besnard Lakes Are The Roaring Night (Montréal)

Blue Rodeo - The Things We Left Behind (Toronto)

Brasstronaut - Mt. Chimaera (Vancouver)

Broken Social Scene - Forgiveness Rock Record (Toronto)

Basia Bulat - Heart Of My Own (London)

By Divine Right - Mutant Message (Toronto)

Caribou – Swim (Dundas)

Jason Collett - Rat A Tat Tat (Toronto)

Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles (II) (Toronto)

Amelia Curran - Hunter Hunter (Halifax)

Fred Fortin - Plastrer La Lune (Montréal)

Frog Eyes - Paul’s Tomb: A Triumph (Victoria)

Hannah Georgas - This Is Good (Vancouver)

Ghostkeeper - Ghostkeeper (Calgary)

Holy Fuck - Latin (Toronto)

Karkwa - Les Chemins De Verre (Montréal)

LeE HARVeY OsMOND - A Quiet Evil (Hamilton)

Greg MacPherson - Mr. Invitation (Winnipeg)

Dan Mangan - Nice, Nice, Very Nice (Vancouver)

Misteur Valaire - Golden Bombay (Montréal)

The New Pornographers - Together (Vancouver)

Owen Pallett - Heartland (Toronto)

Plants And Animals - La La Land (Montréal)

Radio Radio - Belmundo Regal (Montréal)

Justin Rutledge - The Early Widows (Toronto)

The Sadies - Darker Circles (Toronto)

Shad - TSOL (London)

Elizabeth Shepherd - Heavy Falls The Night (Toronto)

The Slew - 100% (Montréal)

Meaghan Smith - The Cricket’s Orchestra (London)

South Rakkas Crew - The Stimulus Package (Toronto)

Tegan and Sara - Sainthood (Vancouver)

The Wooden Sky - If I Don’t Come Home You’ll Know I’m Gone (Toronto)

Hawksley Workman - Meat (Huntsville)

You Say Party! We Say Die! - XXXX (Vancouver)

Young Galaxy - Invisible Republic (Montréal)

Yukon Blonde - Yukon Blonde (Vancouver)

Zeus - Say Us (Toronto)



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