The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night on Third Album, Out March 9th, 2010 | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night on Third Album, Out March 9th, 2010

Albatross 12" out February 9th 2010

Dec 11, 2009 The Besnard Lakes

Montreal collective The Besnard Lakes are out to claim 2010. February 9th will see the release of the 12-inch Albatross, followed a month later (March 9th) by their third full-length, The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night, an album the press release describes as, “A twisting chronicle of spies, double agents, novelists and aspiring rock gods turned violent. Loyalty, dishonor, love, and hatred are all seen through the eyes of two spies, communicating through short wave in code and fighting a war that may or may not be real.”

Get your night-vision goggles ready now…

Albatross 12”

Side A: “Albatross”
Side B: “Four Long Lines”

The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night

1. Like The Ocean, Like The Innocent; Pt. 1: The Ocean
2. Like The Ocean, Like The Innocent; Pt. 2: The Innocent
3. Chicago Train
4. Albatross
5. Glass Printer
6. Land of Living Skies; Pt. 1: The Land
7. Land of Living Skies; Pt. 2: The Living Skies
8. And This is What We Call Progress
9. Light Up The Night
10. The Lonely Moan



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January 10th 2011

release of the 12-inch Albatross, followed a month later (March 9th) by their third full-length, The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night, an album the press release describes as, “A twisting chronicle of spies, double agents, novelists and aspiring rock gods turned violent.  Loyalty, dishonor, love, and hatred are all seen through the eyes of two spies, communicating through short wave in code and fighting a war that may or may not be real.
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