The Dears To Premiere Documentary, Release Live Album | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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The Dears To Premiere Documentary, Release Live Album

Never Destroy Us: The Dears At Pasaguero and The Dears Live at Pasaguero

Nov 27, 2012 The Dears

Next month the Canadian Broadcasting Company will premiere a new documentary on the native sons and daughters making up The Dears. Titled Never Destroy Us: The Dears at Pasaguero, the documentary chronicles the path of the band from their earliest days to the three night stint in Mexico City where the group decided to debut songs from their 2011 album Degeneration Street - months before it actually recorded and almost a full year before its streeted release. Airing Dec. 1 CBC TV at noon ET, 9AM PST, the band has plans to release it to a wider audience in the near future.

In addition to the film The Dears have announced that they mixed down the entire concert featured in doc for a special live album The Dears: Live at Pasaguero. Available digitally as a stand-alone record or packaged as part of a deluxe edition of Degeneration Street, you can order your copy of the record here.

Click below to watch the trailer for Never Destroy Us: The Dears at Pasaguero.



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