The Decemberists Get Animated In New Album-Length Video | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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The Decemberists Get Animated In New Album-Length Video

Here Come the Waves: The Hazards of Love Visualized Out December 1st

Nov 19, 2009 The Decemberists Bookmark and Share

After a cohesive concept album and ambitious stage show, what’s left? If you’re The Decemberists, why not make a movie? (Hey, it worked for Pink Floyd.) On December 1st, the multi-tasking Portland band will release their recent LP, The Hazards of Love as a full-length animated video with contributions from filmmakers Julia Pott, Peter Sluszka, Santa Maria and Guilherme Marcondes.

Enticed? Check out the trailer: (via Pitchfork)



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MySpace layout
November 26th 2009

There was a video that came up on mtv alot a couple of years ago with little boy and a lady in a car and they go to a gasoline station and the lady lights a cigarette and the car blows up and the little boy dies and goes to heaven. The whole video was animated if anyone knows what song this was please tell me I cant remember.
MySpace layout

Animated Layouts
December 5th 2009

How much does it cost to produce an animated music video?