The Dodos Share Two New Singles: “With a Guitar” and “Pale Horizon” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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The Dodos Share Two New Singles: “With a Guitar” and “Pale Horizon”

Grizzly Peak Due Out November 12 via Polyvinyl

Oct 06, 2021 Photography by Sheila Gim

The Dodos have shared two new singles: “With a Guitar” and “Pale Horizon.” They are the latest releases from the band’s forthcoming album Grizzly Peak, which will be out on November 12 via Polyvinyl. Listen to the new singles below.

Frontman and guitarist Meric Long explains in a press release: “Making this record was a way to get through a tough time, stave off negative feelings and stabilize my emotions, which is basically how I felt when I first started playing guitar as a teenager. I was definitely one of those kids that playing the guitar and writing songs was the only time I felt like I had any value to add in the world. Since those years I’ve often gone back to that same question of whether there is any value to this. Does playing the guitar and writing songs and putting them out in the ether do anything?

He adds: “The song ‘With A Guitar’ is a way of me trying to respond to that question, and just generally being grateful to an instrument that’s given me so much. In terms of production, both of these songs ‘Pale Horizon’ and ‘With A Guitar’ deal a lot with space. We recorded the various sections of each song in different rooms, big and small, so that there would be this feeling of physically moving from space to space as the song chugs along.”

Upon the new album’s announcement last month, the band shared the songs “The Surface” and “Annie,” the latter of which was one of our Songs of the Week.

The band’s most recent album, Certainty Waves, came out in 2018 via Polyvinyl. In 2019, the band shared the song “The Atlantic,” which was one of our Songs of the Week.

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