The Radio Dept. Announce Double Album of Singles | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, February 15th, 2025  

The Radio Dept. Announce Double Album of Singles

Passive Aggressive Due Early 2011

Nov 03, 2010 The Radio Dept.

Still riding high off earlier this year’s Clinging to a Scheme, The Radio Dept. has announced a double-album of singles, Passive Aggressive: Singles 2002-2010. Due out in early 2011, the collection tracks the band’s progression from break-through debut, Lesser Matters, through their most recent release, the political single, “The New Improved Hypocrisy.” Included are B-sides from The Radio Dept.’s numerous out-of-print EPs.

For those in New York, the band has planned a few stops there. An early 2011 tour is also in the works.


November 30, 2010 The Knitting Factory, NY

December 01, 2010 The Bowery Ballroom



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November 5th 2010

Great! We sent to their label 2 or 3 times an e-mail asking to release a vinyl LP includes all the singles!

November 15th 2010

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