Twilight: Eclipse Soundtrack Tracklist Announced, Includes Beck and Bat For Lashes Collaboration | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Twilight: Eclipse Soundtrack Tracklist Announced, Includes Beck and Bat For Lashes Collaboration

Also Features Metric, Vampire Weekend, Florence and the Machine, Muse, Fanfarlo, and Others

May 12, 2010 Band of Horses

Today the third Twilight film Eclipse‘s soundtrack was announced. This time Under the Radar-friendly artists Metric, Beck, Bat For Lashes, and Florence and the Machine join the franchise who’s last installment included Thom Yorke, Lykke Li, and Grizzly Bear. While the third inclusion of author Stephenie Meyers favorite band Muse isn’t much of surprise, we’re just glad the blood-sucking franchise finally got obvious candidates Vampire Weekend on board.

Check out the full track listing below:

01. Metric: “Eclipse (All Yours)”
02. Muse: “Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)”
03. The Bravery: “Ours”
04. Florence and the Machine: “Heavy in Your Arms”
05. Sia: “My Love”
06. Fanfarlo: “Atlas”
07. The Black Keys: “Chop and Change”
08. The Dead Weather: “Rolling in on a Burning Tire”
09. Beck and Bat For Lashes: “Let’s Get Lost”
10. Vampire Weekend: “Jonathan Low”
11. UNKLE: “With You in My Head [ft. the Black Angels]”
12. Eastern Conference Champions: “A Million Miles an Hour”
13. Band of Horses: “Life on Earth”
14. Cee-Lo Green: “What Part of Forever”
15. Howard Shore: “Jacob’s Theme”


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