Under the Radar Presents: “Why Not Both” Podcast Featuring Jenny Owen Youngs | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Friday, January 17th, 2025  

Under the Radar Presents: “Why Not Both” Podcast Featuring Jenny Owen Youngs

New Episodes Every Wednesday

May 05, 2021

Every week, in partnership with Why Not Both podcast, we’ll be presenting new podcast episodes that explore how multiple passions inform the inspiring lives of musicians, writers, actors, and creatives.

After the last fire season in LA, Jenny Owen Youngs saw the ashes on her car and decided that she had enough. After moving to Maine, she realized that the magic of her songwriting collaborations and her brilliant podcast Buffering The Vampire Slayer only grew stronger despite the distance as she was far more at ease. As a fellow lover of surprise moves and encounters, we loved her philosophy that life and art is all about intersections, where we happily collide with each other and leave one another forever changed as a result.

For updates, be sure to follow Why Not Both on Instagram and Twitter. For previous shows, including Half Waif, The Anchoress, and Baio, click over to our streaming options, or join us on YouTube.

For more from Jenny Owen Youngs, swing by her Instagram and Twitter. Her new EP Echo Mountain is out now.

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