Watc: Moby - “The Perfect Life” (feat. Wayne Coyne) Video | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watc: Moby - “The Perfect Life” (feat. Wayne Coyne) Video

Perfectly Strange

Sep 03, 2013 Moby

Next month on Oct. 1 Moby will release his brand new album, Innocents. Collaborating on songs with the likes of Mark Lanegan, Damien Jurado, and many others, the bespectacled electronic artist has premiered a music video for his joyous, Wayne Coyne-featured single “The Perfect Life.” The result of a casting call posted on the artist’s Facebook page asking for Moby’s Facebook page looking for a “S&M gimp rhythmic gymnast,” “eight roller-skating ghosts,” “12 goth choir members,” “2 obese bearded bikers in red speedos,” “a punk rock brass brand” and “a drunk king: guy with beard age 35-50,” the visual is just as wonderfully eccentric as you might expect.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Moby explains “Wayne and I first met in 1995, when The Flaming Lips and I were both opening up for a Red Hot Chili Peppers’ European tour. We became friends, shared a dressing room and the same bad craft services, and watched the Chili Peppers from the side of the stage. I thought of Wayne for this song because the Flaming Lips have evolved in this very open, celebratory band when they play live, and that was the perfect vibe for what I was imagining for ‘The Perfect Life.’ I texted Wayne and said, ‘Hey, I have a song – want to sing on it?’ Thirty seconds later, he texted me back: ‘Yes, send it to me, it will be great.’”

Click below to watch the video.

Moby - The Perfect Life (with Wayne Coyne) from Moby on Vimeo.



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