Watch Dirty Projectors’ Short Film “Hi Custodian” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch Dirty Projectors’ Short Film “Hi Custodian”

Written and Directed by Dave Longstreth

Sep 07, 2012 Dirty Projectors

Last night for a select number of ticketholders New York’s Dirty Projectors premiered Hi Custodian, a short film written and directed by the band’s creative leader Dave Longstreth. Today, the 20-minute feature has been shared online for the rest of the world to enjoy. Starring Longstreth along with members Amber Coffman, Haley Dekle, Nat Baldwin, and Mike Johnson, the video project takes inspiration from the likes of Kanye West’s Runaway and Prince’s Purple Rain, using familiar and alternate versions of Dirty Projectors songs to tell “a surreal narrative about spiritual death and rebirth.” Longstreth said of making the film, “it’s that thing of when you think you’re going to vomit a little rainbow, but then you cough and spit up a whole living breathing newborn child instead.” Click below to watch. Dirty Projectors newest album Swing Lo Magellan saw release this past July.



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