Watch: Future Islands Mini Documentary –“Road Dawgs” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Friday, December 6th, 2024  

Watch: Future Islands Mini Documentary –“Road Dawgs”

Highlights From a Remarkable Year

Dec 17, 2014 Future Islands

There’s no use arguing that Future Islands haven’t had a banner year. From their Letterman performance, to releasing Singles, to traveling the world, to being featured on the cover of Under the Radar, the emotive trio have pretty much been everywhere and done everything. While the band’s off (hopefully) getting some more rest before 2015, they’ve shared a mini-documentary about the last 365 days called Road Dawgs. The clip was shot and directed by Jay Buim, who was also responsible for the “Seasons (Waiting on You)” video. Check it out below.



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