Watch: “God Help the Girl” Trailer, Written and Directed by Belle and Sebastian’s Stuart Murdoch | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch: “God Help the Girl” Trailer, Written and Directed by Belle and Sebastian’s Stuart Murdoch

In Theaters and iTunes Sept. 5

Jul 18, 2014 Belle and Sebastian Bookmark and Share

Coming to theaters on Sept. 5 is God Help the Girl, a musical written, directed, and scored by Belle and Sebastian frontman Stuart Murdoch. Inspired by Murdoch’s solo project of the same name, which saw the release of a self-titled album in 2009, as well as an EP and several singles, the forthcoming film stars actress Emily Browning as a young girl who decides to form a pop group during a summer in Glasgow.

A trailer for the upcoming motion picture has now found its way online. Click below to watch. The soundtrack for God Help the Girl comes out on Sept. 2.



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