Watch: Handsome Furs “What About Us” (NSFW) | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch: Handsome Furs “What About Us” (NSFW)

Lots of Voyeurism, Sex, and Dancing

Jul 07, 2011 Handsome Furs

Handsome Furs dropped this video for Sound Kapital (out now) cut, “What About Us.” Decidedly not safe for work (no really!) the clip involves nudity, dancing, voyeurism, and good old fashioned getting it on. Directed by Scott Coffey, the clip also birthed the album’s also workplace-unfriendly album art. (Yup, that’s what a naked woman looks like!) Check out the clip below.

Handsome Furs - “What About Us” from stereogum on Vimeo.

(Via: Stereogum)



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September 13th 2013

I never have down time and she is so on the mark.  I do thrive on aciivtty so my life suits me just fine.I am so sorry I missed blue Monday.  I couldn’t do anything with my sister’s computer.  She needs a new one.  She doesn’t have wireless so my computer stayed home.Anyway, I was so tired from helping them move their antique business I went to bed at 8:00 at night. LOL.I scrolled down and enjoyed your ginger jar and the location you displayed the beauty of it all.  I use your secret all the time.  when I recently painted my wall above the kitchen cabinets I used several old Bill’s old math books from when he was teaching.  He never missed them.  I did use some pieces of wood when I put everything back.  It is a good tip.Your meme was fun to read and it really sums up the way I see your personality.  I too love sweets. Have a wonderful day.Hugs, Jeanne