Watch: Hot Chip - “Don’t Deny Your Heart” Video | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch: Hot Chip - “Don’t Deny Your Heart” Video

Football 64

Nov 26, 2012 Hot Chip Bookmark and Share

Giving the Madden franchise a run for its money in the realm of sports video gaming, Hot Chip have premiered a music video for their In Our Heads track “Don’t Deny Your Heart.”

Directed by Peter Serafinowicz, the clip follows the band passing time on their tour bus playing a soccer video game, one unlikely to be sold in your typical store. As the two rival teams stalemate on the scoreboard, the captains soon abandon the pitch all together to settle things once and for all by warping into what the commentators call a “dimension of dance.”

Things only get weirder from there, with a downpour of soccer balls and inexplicable make-out sessions. Click below to watch.



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