Watch Mac DeMarco Impersonate Michael Jackson on the Beach in “Another One” Video | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch Mac DeMarco Impersonate Michael Jackson on the Beach in “Another One” Video

Another One Out August 7 via Captured Tracks

Jun 16, 2015 Mac DeMarco

Yesterday Mac DeMarco shared a jokey travel documentary shot at the Dead Sea, but today he’s shared a legitimate music video, although it’s still pretty jokey. The video is for “Another One,” the title track to DeMarco’s new eight-song mini-album, Another One, due out on August 7 via Captured Tracks. In the clip (seemingly shot on video tape) he impersonates Michael Jackson, among other things, on the beach and in the ocean.

Check out the video below and read our interview with DeMarco last year about his 2014 album Salad Days.

(Via Fader)


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Top Hip Hop Music
October 4th 2015

Looks like he is having a lot of fun. I am a huge Michael Jackson fan and enjoy what his music represents. I like to see inside of his lyrics and find out if I relate to him. It turns out that I do in many ways.

He had a heart like I do. Even after things go sour in a relationship, he still loves. I have learned from his music that it’s not always about regretting who you spent your life with for a long time. It’s about learning what you did wrong and finding out what it takes to turn it around into something positive.

What I want out of my former relationship is to know how to make another happy with me. I see the things that I did wrong before. Where I am getting with all this is the fact that Michael Jackson has a song called “You Are Not Alone.” He realizes after the split up that it is real that it is in fact over.

The relationship is now over but yet his heart is still for her. No matter how much sh might move on, he will still think about her. Michael Jackson lets her know that she might have good times and bad. He is available when she needs him.

If she ever wants to talk, he will listen. Just because the relationship went sour doesn’t mean that she can’t still have a connection in that kind of way with him. This makes him a stronger man. He is able to listen to her complete feelings even if her words give him pain.

All he wants is to be selfless to what she is feeling right now. She is trying to find herself. That is just the way things went. There are times that she might think that it might have been the wrong decision to try and find another.

His only thought is that he might not ever gain her love for him back. The thought is that he wants to continue using his heart in anyway he can for her if she needs it. That right there is true love. It’s too bad that the one you meet sometimes doesn’t share that love mutually.

It is what it is though. Nothing can ever be perfect. You just have to be happy in anyway you can. Going too deep with the way you love can scare someone away.