Watch: School of Seven Bells - “On My Heart” Video | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch: School of Seven Bells - “On My Heart” Video

SVIIB Due Out February 26 via Vagrant

Mar 08, 2016 School of Seven Bells Bookmark and Share

School of Seven Bells released a new album, SVIIB, a couple of weeks ago via Vagrant. It is the band’s first album since the passing of founding member Benjamin Curtis, who passed in December 2013 after a battle with T-cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma and likely their final album. Curtis’ bandmate Alejandra Deheza has put the album together featuring material Curtis recorded when he was still alive, recordings from the summer of 2012.

Previously the band had shared “Open My Eyes,” “On My Heart,” and “Ablaze.” Now “On My Heart” has a video. In it Deheza is pursued across hilly terrain by a mysterious man in black. Is he a suitor or an attacker? The American Millennial and Noah Kentis directed the clip. Watch it below.


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I Need an Essay
December 20th 2016

This name for School of Thieves was utilized as a part of the motion picture Ocean’s Twelve. It was said when Danny Ocean was describing insights about François Toulour, “The Night Fox” (Vincent Cassel). I likewise knew about the name being said in one narrative about burglary. I think the name was in French or some other dialect which gave out the immediate interpretation for “school of criminals”.