Watch: Stars - “No One Is Lost” Video | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch: Stars - “No One Is Lost” Video

No One Is Lost is Out Now via ATO

Jun 03, 2015 Stars

Stars have released a video for “No One Is Lost,” the title track to the band’s 2014 released album. In the seven-and-a-half-minute long Mexico City shot clip the Canadian band ruminates on their future and how long they’ll stay together. Interviews with the band are intercut with singer Torquil Campbell singing the song on the street, which then segues into the whole band performing the song live. No One Is Lost is out now via ATO. Check out the video below, followed by Stars’ upcoming tour dates.

Stars Tour Dates:

6/20 - Burlington, ON Canada - Burlington Sound of Music Festival

7/22 - Toronto, ON Canada - Nathan Phillips Square

7/23 - Toronto, ON Canada - CIBC Pan Am Park

8/21 - Niagara-On-The-Lake, ON Canada - Jackson Triggs Amphitheater

10/4 - Pawtucket, RI - The Met

10/5 - New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom

10/6 - Brooklyn, NY - Music Hall of Williamsburg

10/8 - Ithaca, NY - The Haunt

10/9 - Millvale, PA - Mr. Small’s Theatre

10/10 - Cleveland, OH - Beachland Ballroom

10/11 - Madison, WI - Majestic Theatre

10/13 - Chicago, IL - Lincoln Hall

10/14 - Chicago, IL - Lincoln Hall

10/15 - Grand Rapids, MI - Pyramid Scheme


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