Watch Taylor Swift, Beck, and St. Vincent Perform Beck’s “Dreams” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch Taylor Swift, Beck, and St. Vincent Perform Beck’s “Dreams”

Last Night at the Staples Center in Los Angeles

Aug 26, 2015 St. Vincent

Taylor Swift likes to bring special guests up on stage with her at each of her shows and last night at Los Angeles’ Staples Center she brought out the one-two punch of Beck and St. Vincent. The trio performed Beck’s recent single “Dreams” and St. Vincent did a guitar solo strutting down the stage like it was a catwalk while pyrotechnics went off behind her. Check out a fan video below, along with a video from Swift’s Twitter, and a couple of related tweets (the photo also comes from Swift’s Twitter).

(Via Pitchfork)


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