Watch: The Shins Cover The Magnetic Fields’ “Andrew in Drag” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch: The Shins Cover The Magnetic Fields’ “Andrew in Drag”

For "Like a Version"

Jul 27, 2012 The Shins Bookmark and Share

The Magnetic Fields’ song “Andrew in Drag” is as charming as it is lyrically odd. Perhaps this is why, while visiting Australia’s Triple J radio station, James Mercer and The Shins decided to play their own faithful rendition of the gender-confused love story for the program’s cover series “Like a Version.” Before starting, Mercer called the track, featured on The Magnetic Fields’ recent album Love At the Bottom of the Sea, a “sad but hilarious” tune, and joked about his own experiences with cross-dressing. Click below to watch.



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