Watch: Vampire Weekend’s “First Encounter” With Steve Buscemi | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch: Vampire Weekend’s “First Encounter” With Steve Buscemi


Apr 16, 2013 Vampire Weekend

On April 28, Vampire Weekend will have their performance at New York City’s Roseland Ballroom live streamed as part of the American Express Unstaged series. At the helm behind the cameras will be actor Steve Buscemi, who as it turns out is a distant relative of member Chris Baio. In a new promo for the upcoming concert a video has surfaced showing Buscemi’s incredibly awkward “introduction” to the band, with Buscemi hilariously hugging the wrong the Chris (Tomson instead of Baio), discussing his inability to understand their lyrics, and generally making the band feel really uncomfortable. Click below to watch the fun.

Vampire Weekend’s new album Modern Vampires of the City is out May 14 via XL.



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