Watch Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy and Son’s Adele Cover Get Interrupted by The Harlem Globetrotters | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy and Son’s Adele Cover Get Interrupted by The Harlem Globetrotters

Plus Wilco Covers David Bowie

Feb 08, 2016 Adele

The Harlem Globetrotters showed up at the offices of the A.V. Club and did some basketball tricks for the staff. Tweedy (aka Wilco‘s Jeff Tweedy and his son Spencer) were about to embark on a cover of Adele’s “Hello” for A.V. Club’s Undercover series when the Globetrotters crashed their session. Jeff Tweedy was a good sport about the whole thing. Watch the video below.

Also Wilco covered David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” at their Brooklyn show last Friday, in honor of the late starman, who passed in January. You can watch fan video of that below too (via Stereogum). Fittingly, Wilco’s most recent album is Star Wars, which they released for free last year.


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