Yes Virgina,There Is a Pavement World Tour | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Yes Virgina,There Is a Pavement World Tour

Ticket Presale For First Show Begins Tomorrow

Sep 17, 2009 Pavement

As we reported yesterday, hell has frozen over, pigs have flown, and Pavement are reuniting.

Now—to quell the final doubts of any existing doubters—presale tickets for Pavement’s first show in New York via Ticketmaster have been announced. Do you know where you’ll be September 21st, 2010? Well, if you’re a Pavement fan, you have until tomorrow at 10 am EST to decide.

Other stops on their promised world tour have not been announced. As their press release clearly states, “Please be advised this tour is not a prelude to additional jaunts and/or a permanent reunion.” So be sure to stay alert and grab tickets while you can.

Of course, what would a world tour be without a “new” album to promote? As reported by the Matador Records blog, a “details-to-be-determined compilation album” will be released sometime in 2010.



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