Young Prisms Share Video for New Single “Self Love” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, February 15th, 2025  

Young Prisms Share Video for New Single “Self Love”

Drifter Due Out March 25 via Fire Talk

Feb 14, 2022 Photography by Jared Silbert

Young Prisms have shared a video for their new single, “Self Love.” It is the latest release from their forthcoming album, Drifter, which will be out on March 25 via Fire Talk. View the video, directed by Gio Betteo and starring lead vocalist Stefanie Hodapp, below.

In a press release, Hodapp states: “‘Self Love’ is a story of my tendencies to isolate, cut ties, and completely destroy my relationships. Something that was instilled in me since childhood. When I was 26, I found myself with a baby, no income, San Francisco expenses to pay, and a complete loss of identity. I could no longer be utterly careless and treat my life and the things in it as if it were all disposable.

“Still, I questioned my worthiness of basic essentials and continued my complacency with a low quality of life. I had to try and build something and with time I realized that the foundation of it all was my relationship with myself.”

Upon announcement of the album last month, the band shared the song “Honeydew.”

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