Ada Lea: what we say in private (Saddle Creek) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Sunday, October 6th, 2024  

Ada Lea

what we say in private

Saddle Creek

Aug 12, 2019 Web Exclusive Bookmark and Share

Break-ups are hard, messy, and usually private affairs. Montreal-based Alexandra Levy, who records as Ada Lea, documents hard and messy across her debut, but what we say in private isn’t keeping it private anymore.

Songs rise and sink, her guitar sounds clearly, volume changes, uncertainty reigns, transcended by moments of beauty that disintegrate on contact with brutal lyrics drawn from a journal Levy poured her feelings into. On “the dancer” Lea captures the mood simply, singing “Some days I feel like dancing/but some days I don’t.” Born from a low, her first record points to a brighter future. (

Author rating: 6.5/10

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