Au Revoir Simone: Move in Spectrums (Instant) - album review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Issue #48 - November/December 2013 - HAIMAu Revoir Simone

Move in Spectrums


Dec 11, 2013 Au Revoir Simone

Move in Spectrums is filled with the perfect, warm sounds ubiquitous in contemporary indie popthe gorgeous “We Both Know” washes you away on a bubbling river of guitarbut there’s far more here than just another collection of likable-but-forgettable songs. There’s much that’s recognizable from 1980s Manchester: Joy Division’s post-punk drones and hisses on the likes of “Boiling Point”; the pulsating rhythms of “Somebody Who” harking back to The Fall. The band also throws in giddy Gallic Europop for good measure on “Just Like a Tree.”

Such diverse sounds melting into one another could result in a horrible mess in less expert hands, but Au Revoir Simone shows perfect judgment. The balance between lo-fi and polished melodies, between minimalism and hooks, should be tough to attain, but is perfect at every juncture. It’s a subtle album, one that will wrap the listener up and carry them off to the land of sleep. (

Author rating: 8/10

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