Barbara Isn't Dying | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024  

Alina Bronsky

Barbara Isn’t Dying

Published by Europa Editions

Jul 14, 2023 Bookmark and Share

Walter Schmidt’s wife, Barbara, isn’t dead. She did, however, take a fall, and now she is laid up in bed. Walter and Barbara have been married for a little over a half century. Walter never learned to cook or clean, as typically gender roles were adhered to and these tasks always carried out by Barbara. Now Walter has to fend for himself, care for his wife, and ultimately move forward in a new set of circumstances.

Europa Editions was founded in 2005 by the owners of an Italian publishing company, with the purpose of publishing a select number of books translated from international authors from all over the globe.

Alina Bronsky, who has several other titles published via Europa Editions, was born in Russia and currently lives in Berlin. With Barbara Isn’t Dying, she tells the story of her protagonist, Walter, with both dark humor and deeply emotional grace.

As Walter navigates his new life, he encounters pitfalls (see, for example his foray into social media) that both test him and stretch is ability to cope. There will be no spoilers here, but suffice it to say that Bronsky’s picture of Walter resonates as deeply poignant, ultimately leaving the reader with a profound sympathy and resigned acceptance of life’s challenges, the process of aging, and ultimately the creation of a new way of life.


Author rating: 7.5/10

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