Batwoman #1 (DC) | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Monday, October 14th, 2024  

Batwoman #1


Written by J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman; Art by J.H. Williams III; Colors by Dave Stewart

Sep 14, 2011 Web Exclusive

With a bit of the “weird,” a nice set up of the new supporting characters, and a flashback to what’s come before for the character intermingled tastefully with the plot, Batwoman #1 is a promising kick-off. Kate Kane, the Batwoman, is on the outs with her father, her former “support staff,” and is soldiering on nevertheless.

The only misstep story-wise is right out of the gate. When you think “Batwoman,” you don’t really think “supernatural weeping ghost chick,” though I admit you do think “recovering stolen children.” I love the inclusion of Bette Kane (former Teen Titan “Flamebird”) seemingly as a new sidekick, and the other old DC touchpoints: Maggie Sawyer (as a possible love interest), Renee Montoya (alas, only in a photograph), Agent Chase and Mr. Bones of the DEO…even a quick encounter with the big bad bat himself.

But the story (J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman), decent as it is, takes a backseat to Williams’ art. It’s not just his linework or how he switches up the style depending on the circumstanceflashback panels look different than Batwoman scenes (lush! crisp! kinetic! larger than life!), which are different than Kate’s civilian scenes (expressive! intimate! detailed!). His sense of storytelling and how he structures a page are extremely original, and like nourishment for the eyes.

The story almost doesn’t matter; this is worth the cost of admission just for the art. But since the story is good, you’ll want to go ahead and read it too. (

Author rating: 8/10

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