Beverly: The Blue Swell (Kanine) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Issue # 57 - M83

The Blue Swell


May 09, 2016 Issue # 57 - M83

In 2014, Beverly debuted with Careers. It was a collaboration between bandleader Drew Citron and the better-known Frankie Rose, their voices melting together and sounding like one on irresistible cuts such as “Honey Do” and “Madora.” Rose is no longer in Beverly, so instead it’s now Citron and producer Scott Rosenthal (The Beets and Crystal Stilts) at the helm. Somewhat predictably, this second album is slightly more pop-oriented thanand not as harsh-sounding asCareers, but this plays to Beverly’s and Citron’s considerable melodic strengths. The best track here is “Crooked Cop,” a what-if moment that answers the question of what would happen if Teenage Fanclub had a female singer. Other highlights, and there are many here, include the Kip Berman-penned “Victoria” and “You Used to Be a Good Girl,” a rollicking number with an acidic lyric that could’ve ended up on Careers. Elsewhere, “You Said It” successfully mines the shimmering jangle-pop of The Pernice Brothers and is perhaps the album’s most gorgeous cut, although there is competition from “South Collins,” a shoegaze track that attains Lush-like bliss. (

Author rating: 7.5/10

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