Bleached: Can You Deal? EP (Dead Oceans) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Can You Deal? EP

Dead Oceans

Mar 07, 2017 Web Exclusive

Following last year’s sophomore LP Welcome the Worms, this brand new Bleached EP continues in a similarly slick but not too slick power-pop/pop-punk vein, although it’s unclear whether these are outtakes from those sessions (they sound like it) or brand new recordings. The fact that the title track deals with fielding demeaning questions about “being in a girl band” during the interview cycle for their last album suggests the latter, but while the title track is fantastic, it’s the other songs that really stand out here. The best of these is “Flipside,” which is guaranteed to get stuck in your head. Elsewhere, “Turns to Rage” and “Dear Trouble” suggest that the personal demons that Jennifer Clavin wrote so ably about on Welcome the Worms have continued to occupy her lyrics. It’s the classic combination of really melodic, catchy music set to acidic, questioning lyrics, and it works like a charm here. (

Author rating: 8/10

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