Bleached: Ride Your Heart (DEAD OCEANS) | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Monday, January 20th, 2025  

Issue #45 - Winter 2013 - PhoenixBleached

Ride Your Heart Out


Apr 15, 2013 Bleached

The full-length debut from sisters Jennifer and Jessie Clavin plays as a fully-formed version of the three DIY singles the sisters already released as Bleached. ­Ride Your Heart features echoes of the punk of the sisters’ previous band, Mika Miko, but Bleached is very much a different beast. Mixing ’60s girl group swing with big pop melodies, careful harmonies, and a sprinkling of pop-punk sonics, Ride Your Heart is a near perfect exemplification of everything those who own those early singles thought that Bleached could be. It’s The Ramones minus The Archies tendencies, or if you prefer, Vivian Girls with better melodies and clearer sound. The album is over in less than 37 minutes; not too long, but just long enough to leave you wanting more. (

Author rating: 6.5/10

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