Cat's Eyes: Treasure House (Raf/Kobalt Label Services) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Sunday, January 19th, 2025  

Issue # 57 - M83

Treasure House

Raf/Kobalt Label Services

May 31, 2016 Cat’s Eyes

Lush ‘60s pop, running almost the full spectrum of all that phrase conjures up. The opening trio of songs really go for the orchestral, baroque side of the era, gliding and swaying through chimerical landscapes. “Be Careful Where You Park Your Car” veers off into a gritty girl group stomp-infectious, sure to get you up and dancing, the lyrics also doing a fine job of mimicking the source material. “Standoff” follows and again alters course, back to male vocals and a dark surf feel. The most modern song on Treasure House is “Everything Moves Towards the Sun,” calling up echoes of Broadcast. Rachel Zeffira’s vocals seem that much more suited to the style of music the duo are going for, but Faris Badwan’s “The Missing Hour” is one of the best songs on the record, a nocturnal sweep through a huge expanse of star-filled limitless horizon, offering warmth despite the solitary setting. “Names on Mountains” is another highlight with its haunting “you’ve gone” refrain reminiscent of Saint Etienne’s “Like a Motorway.” Past those two words, however, Zeffira’s vocal line beautifully soars towards the light. Closer “Teardrops” is their take on the Twin Peaks’ theme, even down to repeated use of the word “falling.” On Treasure House, Cat’s Eyes’ vision is more focused, creating a charming record worth repeated listens as you drift through the imaginary films in your mind. (

Author rating: 7/10

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