Covers EP | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Thursday, December 5th, 2024  

A Camp

Covers EP


Jul 08, 2009 A Camp

Fresh off the spring release of its U.S. debut, Colonia, A CampNina Persson (The Cardigans), Nathan Larson (Shudder to Think) and Niclas Frisk (Atomic Swing)have released a three-song digitally-released EP of covers that provides welcome complement to the band’s other recorded work. Pink Floyd’s “Us and Them” is more elegant when sung by Persson; however, the faithfulness of the rendition suggests that if you didn’t dig the song then, you’re not going to now. Still, Persson’s aching vocals bring out the inherent beauty of the song, regardless of your opinion of Waters, Gilmour, et al. The smooth groove of Grace Jones’ “I’ve Done It Again” is perfectly suited to Persson’s vocal sensibility, despite the genre hop. But the pièce de résistance here is A Camp’s rendition of David Bowie’s “Boys Keep Swinging.” With the female vocals lending the song a different perspective, the band tears through the Lodger track with furious electric guitar and exuberant choral chant. It’s fun to hear A Camp let it all hang out and rock. It is said that the band performs this one live. Perhaps they’ll release that version next. (

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