Squarepusher: Damogen Furies (Warp) | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Issue #53 - April/May 2015 - Tame ImpalaSquarepusher

Damogen Furies


Apr 27, 2015 Squarepusher

At once thrilling, confounding, manic, and deeply conservative, Damogen Furies is, at long last, essential Squarepusher. That is, it distills everything the man is known for—psychotically pummeling breaks, deep lyricism, and in-the-moment inventiveness. This isn’t Squarepusher the jazzman, Squarepusher the live DJ, Squarepusher the IDM songsmith, or Squarepusher freaking out and turning everything up to 10—it’s actually all of those things. Tom Jenkinson is a man clearly in love with the creative process and ultimately dismissive of the creative product. But make no mistake: Damogen Furies is a labor of love throughout its 44-minute running time. It’s just that it could have just as easily been a document of the next 44 minutes of Jenkinson’s creative life.

There’s a lot to enjoy here, particularly on the unbelievably fun The Cure-quoting “Stor Eiglass” (it’s one note off of “Just Like Heaven” but it’s hard to imagine the U.K.-born artist paying anything less than a conscious homage) and the hooky “Exjag Nives.” The album has a surprisingly handy touch with melody throughout considering its, well, fury. The album rarely settles for more than a few seconds at a time and is more often than not in an utter frenzy, which makes it hard to digest in a single sitting. It would make for an excellent live set and that’s likely a result of its genesis as an actual live studio performance, a test run of a custom-designed, leaner, less-cumbersome setup he plans to use on his next touring cycle.

That said, one wonders what Squarepusher is on about in 2015. Music that sounded decades ahead in the mid-‘90s now sounds completely of-the-moment, even a couple days old. IDM is in children’s cartoons and Jenkinson doesn’t show off a lot of new moves here, save for a deeper sense of beat to measure out the clackier drum and bass splatter. It’s undeniably good stuff and will please existing fans of the man’s work but for an artist formerly synonymous with innovation, Damogen Furies digs its heels into well-trodden ground. (www.squarepusher.net)

Author rating: 6.5/10

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