Delorean: Muzik (Phlex) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Jun 28, 2016 Web Exclusive Bookmark and Share

Remember those first few glorious bars of “Seasun” from Delorean’s 2009 breakthrough EP Ayrton Senna? Damn. A huge, synth-driven, sun-soaked, opening statement if there ever was one. They’d been around since 2000, but this was their moment. The Barcelona-based foursome had arrived. And the excitement surrounding that phenomenal EP was sustained with their rapid full-length follow-up Subiza in 2010. Then, three years and one virtual kidnapping in Mexico later they delivered yet again with the first-rate Apar.

Which brings us to their latest, the meditative Muzik.

Delorean have established a “Delorean sound” for sure. It’s upbeat. It’s bright. It’s tropical. It’s keyboard-driven house music for beach parties. And that sound hasn’t changed much over the last seven years; hasn’t changed at all, really. And why should it? If it works, it works. Muzik is soaked in that sound and is still very much a tropical pop record, but what’s absent here is the relentless high-tempo pulse of their last two albums. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just a change of pace is all. Literally.

Recorded and produced entirely by Delorean (with the exception of the title track produced by the Spanish electronic music guru Pional), Muzik ain’t exactly a step forward, but no step back either. They’re doing more or less exactly what we’ve come to expect from them (see above). And while it’d be nearly impossible to match the high-energy perfection of Ayrton Senna, that sure as shit hasn’t stopped them from trying. (

Author rating: 7/10

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