Delphic at Dangerbird Records, Los Angeles, CA, June 17, 2010 | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Delphic at Dangerbird Records, Los Angeles, CA, June 17, 2010, June 18th, 2010

Jun 18, 2010 Photography by Wendy Lynch Redfern Delphic

I am not, by nature, a V.I.P. Heck, some days I can barely manage being a “P.” So, when Dangerbird Records invited Under the Radar to come check out Delphic’s first Los Angeles show at their office headquarters, I couldn’t help but be pleased. When I found out there was going to be Cool Haus ice cream, pleased was upgraded to ecstatic, as I had to resist the urge to propose marriage. To anyone and everyone, really. And to think, I hadn’t even gotten to the music yet.

After their aborted attempt to play Coachella, (Gee, thanks Eyjafjallajokull!) Delphic was visibly gleeful to finally be making their Southern California debut. Perched on the upper tier of Dangerbird’s multi-layered backyard, the Manchester trio (aided by a an addition musician on drums), put the dance back in rock, attacking their half-hour set with a professionalism that seemed developed far past what one would normally come to expect from a band so fresh in their career. Not only was the sound crisp, but it was loud! (As it should be!) Hipsters not engrossed in Lakers vs. Celtics basketball game (playing on several conveniently located screens) gathered on the lower level, swaying and dancing with necks fixed at 45 degrees to watch the action.

And action there was. Working though hits off debut album Acolyte (Personal favorites of the evening: “Doubt,” “This Momentary”, and “Red Lights”), they also worked their way into fans hearts, dancing and flinging drum sticks with near reckless abandon while never missing a beat. It was a perfect introduction in a fantastically intimate environment, but if you closed your eyes, you could hear it—the sound of a large venue band just waiting to be discovered. Until then, welcome to America Delphic. You can come visit us any time. (

See a full gallery of photos from the show here.


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