Gunnin’ for That #1 Spot Blu-ray/DVD
Studio: Oscilloscope Laboratories
Nov 01, 2008 Year End 2008 - Best of 2008
Adam Yauch (aka Beastie Boys’ MCA) directs this lively if inconsequential documentary about eight high-school basketball players competing in a national contest to show off their skill set at the legendary Rucker Park in Harlem. The eight personalities are set up for several minutes at the beginning of the film, but once the game ends, so does the movie—without any real coda or resolution. Lacking any real connection to the eight players, the film relies on a killer soundtrack and some in-your-face camerawork during the game. In short, it’s kind of like a music video montage of slams, dunks, and assists set to Kool and the Gang, M.I.A., Jay-Z, The Staple Singers, Nas, and The Beastie Boys, which keeps things from becoming too stale. The film might not be that substantial, but the design and packaging of the DVD is quite remarkable and environmentally friendly. Check out this year’s Quantum Hoops (the story of Caltech’s 21 year losing streak) for a more interesting basketball tale. (
Author rating: 4/10
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