Hand Habits: placeholder (Saddle Creek) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Friday, January 24th, 2025  

Hand Habits


Saddle Creek

Feb 26, 2019 Web Exclusive

Meg Duffy’s work under the moniker Hand Habits extracts the most precise and aesthetically pleasing attributes of her guitar work contributions to the likes of Kevin Morby (who Duffy has spent the last three years with as supporting lead guitarist) and The War on Drugsthis is where the similarities stop, though. Duffy’s latest full-length album, placeholder, is a lethargic collection of breezy soft rock, one that’s free of excessbesides the minute of glitchy oblivion on “heat,” though it still fits in rather snuglyand instead a direct and addictive batch of songs that will shatter your heart one minute and help you pick up the pieces a few minutes later. On “pacify,” one of the album’s most memorable moments, Duffy incorporates each of placeholder‘s exact highlightsgentle, infinitely melodic acoustic guitars, and a richly layered aesthetic that is well defined and easily identifiable. This is where placeholder takes shape and eventually unfolds into a mesmeric journey of tedious attention to detail and songwriting. (www.handhabits.bandcamp.com)

Author rating: 8/10

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