Heaven Adores You Blu-ray/DVD (Eagle Rock) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Heaven Adores You Blu-ray/DVD

Studio: Eagle Rock

Oct 01, 2015 Issue #54 - August/September 2015 - CHVRCHES

In an interview that opens Nickolas Rossi’s 2014 documentary Heaven Adores You, Elliott Smith frames himself perfectly: “I’m the wrong kind of person to be really big and famous.”

Smith’s story is told by numerous acquaintances offering their perception of the singer/songwriter as they recall him from various periods of his life. His sister describes him as happy as a boy and even a class clown, though there are blanks in the story that no one but Smith would be able to fill. When asked during another interview why he moved from Texas to Portland in his youth he begins to explain but backs off, though his sister separately refers to issues with his stepfather.

After covering Smith’s early musical projects and a focus on his time with the band Heatmiser, it’s interesting to hear how his solo career began taking shape. Portland had fully embraced him as a solo artist before his move to New York City, though with personal changes and a growing national profile he felt the need to move on. And sadly, even with his Oscar nomination and widespread acclaim, there was obviously no one who could steer this artist with such a promising career from such a tragic end. (www.heavenadoresyou.com)

Author rating: 7/10

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