Heck (Top Shelf) (by Zander Cannon) review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Top Shelf

Jun 28, 2013 Issue #45 - Winter 2013 - Phoenix
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Heck is Zander Cannon’s story of a man with a portal to Hell itself in his house. Hector Hammarskjöld (aka “Heck”) uses this portal as a business, with the idea of venturing into the underworld to retrieve or deliver messages to lost loves or other absent souls.

The cartooning is non-standard and, while excellent, takes a little getting used to. However, it ultimately serves the story, which turns out to be far creepier and a deeper examination into human nature than expected. Heck is a strapping man outfitted for adventure; the most interesting stuff lies in how the package doesn’t necessarily portray the contents with any of the characters. This includes Elliot, his mummy-wrapped sidekick, who follows Heck into Hell, and is a bundle of tragedy and questions himself.

The mechanics of the journey, as well as how Heck communicates with his Earth-bound clientele, are really interesting and pay off in spades at the end. In fact, this is a book that good throughout, but has such a deft ending that it elevates the work even higher. (www.topshelfcomix.com)

Author rating: 8/10

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Average reader rating: 7/10


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