Christopher Owens: I Wanna Run Barefoot Through Your Hair (True Panther) - review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Thursday, January 16th, 2025  

Christopher Owens

I Wanna Run Barefoot Through Your Hair

True Panther

Dec 06, 2024 Web Exclusive

Over the last seven years, Christopher Owens has endured an unimaginable gauntlet of hardship and tragedy: the end of a longterm relationship, a debilitating motorcycle accident, and the unexpected passing of their primary Girls collaborator, Chet “JR” White. The liner notes tell the story of a lost soul re-discovering themself over a near-decade of adversity, but a close listen to Owens’ lyrics would just as readily convey the grief and self-doubt the songwriter was working through during their long musical hiatus. These songs feel very much part of a healing process.

“I died the day you left me / I die again every day,” Owens sings in “No Good,” which opens I Wanna Run Barefoot Through Your Hair, a record that’s life began while the artist found themself temporarily homeless and living out of their vehicle. “Will I be alone forever?” Owens asks in “So,” over gentle and uplifting instrumentals that are at odds with the hopelessness communicated in these words. This dichotomy is present across the album, where the music is often significantly more upbeat than its subject matter. Intimate but inviting, aching yet so frequently unconventional, it’s clear that pain hasn’t snuffed out the playful spark that Owens has exhibited since the Girls days. Owens had every excuse to be bitter or angry, but chose instead to find hope and create beauty amidst sadness. (

Author rating: 7.5/10

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