Julia Jacklin: Don't Let the Kids Win (Polyvinyl) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Thursday, January 16th, 2025  

Julia Jacklin

Don’t Let the Kids Win


Nov 15, 2016 Web Exclusive

By her own admission, Julia Jacklin is a nostalgic soul. The danger of looking through a rose tinted lens for too long is that fatalism can take hold.

It’s perfect then that the 25-year-old’s debut album revels in and rallies against both traps of youtha dichotomy stemming from the fact our Blue Mountains born narrator flits between perspectives and attitudes as effortlessly as she does octaves. Hindsight informs foresight, lessons are learnt before mistakes are made, and the future seems set until it’s not.

Yes, Don’t Let the Kids Win would be an elegant and compelling album without thisits gentle waltzing country music melodies find balance in biting guitars and elevation beyond its contemporaries in Jacklin’s quivering falsetto and witbut, it’s in examining her own life through different colored lenses that this album becomes something remarkable. (www.juliajacklin.com)

Author rating: 8/10

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