Spoon: Lucifer on the Sofa (Matador) - review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Monday, February 17th, 2025  


Lucifer on the Sofa


Feb 11, 2022 Web Exclusive

Spoon’s upward trajectory to indie rock stardom is as well documented as it is well deserved. From the energetic, spiky attitude on the Austin rockers’ debut album, Telephono, in 1996 to the more sophisticated atmospheric rock on 2017’s Hot Thoughts, the band’s consistency of constructing tight rhythms and sumptuous guitar licks into near flawless indie rock tunes is unmatched. Their willingness to push the envelope and explore new directions in song structure, while experimenting with sound effects and mixing subtle production schemes with their pop sensibilities, has enabled Spoon to lay down nine unique studio albums, with a few strong hits along the way, and a collective body of work that set the expectation bar higher with each release.

And so, for the past five years fans and critics alike were left wondering what Spoon still have left in their bag of tricks for their 10th album, Lucifer on the Sofa. As it turns out, this album is a reboot of sorts, as the band returned to their roots in Austin and returned their sound back to basics, all but eliminating any tricks, and instead focusing on the creativity and spontaneity that comes from jamming live. It’s an attitude and approach that paid off well as the 10 tracks on Lucifer on the Sofa show off a leaner and meaner Spoon with a more mature sound that is broader in scope than past efforts but just as ferocious and cracking.

As expected, the tracks are well performed with an honest raw energy and are uncluttered with sharp driving rhythms that are catchy and upbeat. The buzzy guitars are crisply played, and the well-placed keyboards provide a contrasting backdrop. With nary a weak tune, it’s hard to pin down a few standout tracks, but songs such as opener “Held,” first single “The Hardest Cut”—number 33 on Under the Radar’s Top 130 Songs of 2021—along with “The Devil & Mister Jones,” and second single “Wild” all certainly qualify as candidates, as each is a power-packed collection of raucous rhythms, bouncy beats, deep slinky bass lines, and rough riffs delivered with an emotional intensity.

Slower tracks such as “Astral Jacket,” third single “My Babe,” and especially “Lucifer on the Sofa,” while not quite as bombastic and sharp, are more floating and dreamy and add a touch of melancholy that achieve the perfect balance between the dynamic and the ethereal while showing off an older, wiser side of Spoon. Lucifer on the Sofa stands as proof that Spoon are one of the most reliable and entertaining rock bands around. (www.spoontheband.com)

Author rating: 8.5/10

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