Issue # 57 - M83
Under the Sun
May 19, 2016 Mark Pritchard
Initially, the absorbing textures of Under the Sun seem to belie Mark Pritchard‘s standing as a dance music icon. Since the early ‘90s, the British-born, Australian-dwelling producer has played an instrumental part in bringing beats of all shapes and sizes to the masses.
Yet the soft, subtle sounds of his first solo release in five years suggest Pritchard’s reached the chill-out period of his career. “Falling” and “Cycles of Nine” are prime examples of this relaxed sonic shift, each a dreamscape that floats in and out of consciousness.
Predictably, it’s the special guests that draw the most attention. Thom Yorke’s brooding presence on “Beautiful People” lends melancholy to the track’s expansive sound, while Bibio’s harmonic sighs elevate “Give It Your Choir” into a ghostly Beach Boys-esque refrain.
It’s a sinuous and, at times, difficult listen, but these songs are supple enough to sink into, given space and the necessary inclination. It’s dance music, sure, just not as we know it. (
Author rating: 6/10
Average reader rating: 8/10
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July 14th 2016
parcului dat. Tot prin efortul parțial al suasemnbtului, în vara anului trecut, a fost curățit iar parcul, după curățenia generală făcută în parc în primăvara aceluiași an. La finele anului 2011,